Hello World, Glad that you have just started to read my Blog. Seems we are connected now! The era is all about on-the-go...Do you agree? Yes, must be your reply. We are all living in the age of Digital, we all love good graphics, freaky fun and innovative ideas. How aware are you of the Graphic Design domain? Well, must be just the funky graphics you see in the magazines and movies. But there is a lot to it. Not just fun, but Graphic Design is a demand-of-the-age. Let me introduce you to the very useful 8 Graphic Design tips for beginners. A graphic designer tells stories through visuals. In order to tell the stories effectively, a designer must follow certain tips, which will help them become better designers. Here are some of them. OBSERVE: Graphic design is everywhere, from the train ticket in your hand to the Instagram feed in your phone. Before starting to design anything, it is important you observe and study the graphics that surround you. Observati...